
Tf2 old minigun viewmodel
Tf2 old minigun viewmodel

tf2 old minigun viewmodel

This is all opposed to my previous attempt which only included some not very good edited animations. This causes a slight bug after taunting, where the minigun will look like the valve model for a split second. Model bodygroups: I bodygrouped the model so that in first person it uses my edited model, but in third person it uses valve's current model, as to not screw up the third person animations. This still uses the default minigun textures, so if you have a favorite minigun texture mod, it's compatible. Australiums, skins and warpaints are compatible. New animations: I made the animations as close to valve's original 2007 animations as I could, but I'm not valve's 2007 Team Fortress 2 animation team, so it's not perfect.Įdited textures: Minigun is a lot more shiny, some shadows have been painted over so they don't show on the gun and make it look ugly. Whether it be talked about on reddit, youtube, gamebanana, etc.Įdited minigun model: Barrel enlarged and elongated, big white drum thing brought up higher on the screen, hand moved down a bit. I figured, since both Ficool2 and ShpeeGees mods are now dead, I'd take it into my own hands, considering the fact that this seems to be a thing the community really wants.

tf2 old minigun viewmodel

I'm uploading this as new instead of updating the previous submission because it's more of a completely different mod. It was terrible, and I admittedly didn't put as much effort into it as I should have.

tf2 old minigun viewmodel

  • SMT III Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HDĪ while ago I released a mod titled "2007 heavy animations recreated".
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    Tf2 old minigun viewmodel